Domestic EPCs

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An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a document you need when selling or renting a property in the UK. It’s been a rule since April 2018 that you can’t rent out a property unless it has at least an ‘E’ rating on the EPC, unless you have a valid exemption.

To make a Domestic EPC, one of our energy assessors will visit your property. They’ll look around, do some calculations, and then put all the information into a national database to create the certificate.

The energy assessor needs to check all the rooms, including the loft if they can get to it. They also have to inspect the heating system, take measurements, and pictures of important things in the survey. It’s all done by looking, and they don’t take anything apart.

Once it’s in the database, the EPC is good for 10 years. We have well-trained energy assessors who visit homes every day to make EPCs quickly and professionally.